Friday, December 30, 2005

American Values: Progress, Taxes, Good Weather Forecasts

Breaking Blog News...Dave Congalton, one of the founders of this CCNM Community Blog, has been given more Internet work. KVEC AM 920 wants him to blog for his afternoon drive program and will stream his show online to help him say "yes!" Congratulations, Dave!

Our other radioman/blogger guy, Bill Benica has some thoughts about why words are spelled the weigh theigh are and more...

What's another phrase that means "taxes?" Guy Murray reports from Nipomo, where people don't seem to complain when their "taxes" are increased...

Thom Hutchings writes on the "American Values" lesson a 700-mile fence can teach us and our youngsters...

Is "American Exceptionalism" alive and well? What is it? Jim Silva lets us stand in another's shoes until it gets a bit too uncomfortable. That's when you know you're closer to what's really important...

Thanks for visiting this year and get ready for what feels like a Great 2006 coming our way!

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